Once a property has sold, you have up to 21 calendar days from the closing date to submit all invoices for consideration of payment. The only exception would be final utility bills, which must be submitted immediately upon receipt.
NOTE: As the listing agent, your client requires that you have all utilities turned off on the day of closing. If you have not turned off all utilities, please make sure you do so immediately.
If you have invoices to submit after the closing date, you must contact your asset manager. Inform them that you are attempting to submit invoices so that they can advise on how you should move forward. If you're having a problem with your expenses being reimbursed you would need to reach out to Accounts Payable at pasapinquiries@wellsfargo.com.
See our Expense User Guide HERE
Important: We strongly recommend all invoices be submitted immediately upon receipt. There are times when an invoice may not have all the required information or there was an issue causing the invoice to be denied. When that happens there may not be sufficient time to resubmit the invoice for consideration of payment.
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