Adding Connection Codes
Vendor matching is a process that allows Network Owners to connect to Network Members. A Network Owner is a work provider. A Network Member is a recipient of work orders. To connect to each other, a Network Owner sends generated ‘connection codes’ to a Network Member. Below are the steps on how to add and manage these connection codes and connect to a Network Owner. These connections can be open, closed on either end, and reopened as needed.
Step 1: Adding Connection codes
To add a connection code, go to the Networks tab by clicking on it
Then at the top of the screen you have two options "My Networks" and "Client Networks"
Click on Client Networks
Click the Add Connection Code Received link from your Actions list on the left of the screen.
Type in the connection and verification codes, click Verify and if the correct business name that you are connecting to appears below then click Connect:
NOTE: If you have already submitted this code, or have entered the code incorrectly, you will receive an error message.
Step 2: Disabling Connections
Connections are a two-way process and have to be open from both the Network Owner and Network Member sides to be fully active. If a connection is no longer needed, it can be disconnected from either side (Owner or Member). To disable, or disconnect from a network, select that network from your network list by checking their box. Then click the ‘De-Activate Connection’ link from the ‘Actions’ box.
Step 3: Re-enabling Connections
To re-enable a connection, simply select a contact by checking their checkbox and click on ‘Re-Activate Connection’ from the ‘Actions’ box.
NOTE: This is only possible if the connection is disabled from your side only. For any connection to be fully disabled, it must be de-activated from both the network owner and member side.
Last Reviewed & Updated: 02/2023
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